Module kawa_scripts.tex_size_finder

Tool for figuring out a texture size of material. See TexSizeFinder.

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# Kawashirov's Scripts (c) 2021 by Sergey V. Kawashirov
# Kawashirov's Scripts is licensed under a
# Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
# You should have received a copy of the license along with this
# work.  If not, see <>.
Tool for figuring out a texture size of material.
See `kawa_scripts.tex_size_finder.TexSizeFinder`.

from collections import deque as _deque

import bpy as _bpy

from ._internals import log as _log

import typing as _typing

if _typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
        from typing import *
        from bpy.types import *

class TexSizeFinder:
        Base class for figuring out a texture size of material.
        You must extend this class with required and necessary methods for your case.
        Finds all Images used by `ShaderNodeTree` of a given `Material`.
        User can override what is counted for size (`should_count_image` and `should_count_node`)
        or how it's counted (`mat_size`).
        This is intended to be used in conjunction with `kawa_scripts.atlas_baker.BaseAtlasBaker`
        (in overridden `kawa_scripts.atlas_baker.BaseAtlasBaker.get_material_size`),
        but not necessary, you can provide material sizes by you self.

        def __init__(self):
        def should_count_image(self, image: 'Image') -> bool:
                User can override this to tell what used Images should be counted for size. By default all Nodes are counted.
                For example, you can ignore `Non-Color` images.
                return True
        def should_count_node(self, node: 'ShaderNodeTexImage') -> bool:
                User can override this to tell what Image Nodes should be counted for size. By default all Nodes are counted.
                return True
        def nodeteximage_size(self, node: 'ShaderNodeTexImage') -> 'Optional[Tuple[float, float]]':
                if node is None or node.image is None:
                        return None
                if not self.should_count_node(node):
                        return None
                # TODO пока что не чётко определяется использование
                # надо сделать поиск нодов, которые привязаны к выходу и искать текстуры среди них
                if not any(output.is_linked for output in node.outputs):
                        return None
                image = node.image
                if not self.should_count_image(image):
                        return None
                return tuple(image.size)
        def iterate_nodes(self, node_tree: 'ShaderNodeTree') -> 'Iterator[ShaderNodeTexImage]':
                node_trees = _deque()  # type: Deque[ShaderNodeTree]
                node_trees_history = set()  # type: Set[ShaderNodeTree]
                while len(node_trees) > 0:
                        node_tree = node_trees.pop()
                        if node_tree is None or node_tree.nodes is None or node_tree in node_trees_history:
                        for node in node_tree.nodes:
                                if isinstance(node, _bpy.types.ShaderNodeTexImage) and node.image is not None:
                                        yield node
                                elif isinstance(node, _bpy.types.ShaderNodeGroup):

        def iterate_sizes(self, node_tree: 'ShaderNodeTree') -> 'Iterator[Tuple[float, float]]':
                for node in self.iterate_nodes(node_tree):
                        size = self.nodeteximage_size(node)
                        if size is not None:
                                yield size
        def avg_mat_size(self, mat: 'Material') -> 'Optional[Tuple[float, float]]':
                """ Returns average found size of all counted images in Shader Note Tree of Material or None. """
                # Расчёт среднего размера текстур используемых материалом
                # Поиск нодов ShaderNodeTexImage, в которые используются выходы и картинка подключена
                sw, sh, count = 0, 0, 0
                for w, h in self.iterate_sizes(mat.node_tree):
                        sw += w
                        sh += h
                        count += 1
                return (float(sw) / count, float(sh) / count) if count > 0 and sw > 0 and sh > 0 else None
        def max_mat_size(self, mat: 'Material') -> 'Optional[Tuple[float, float]]':
                """ Returns maximum found size of all counted images in Shader Note Tree of Material or None. """
                return max((s for s in self.iterate_sizes(mat.node_tree)), key=lambda x: x[0]*x[1], default=None)

        def mat_size(self, mat: 'Material') -> 'Optional[Tuple[float, float]]':
                """ Returns found size of Material or None. By default is `max_mat_size`. User can override this. """
                return self.max_mat_size(mat)  # default


class TexSizeFinder

Base class for figuring out a texture size of material. You must extend this class with required and necessary methods for your case.

Finds all Images used by ShaderNodeTree of a given Material. User can override what is counted for size (should_count_image and should_count_node) or how it's counted (mat_size).

This is intended to be used in conjunction with BaseAtlasBaker (in overridden BaseAtlasBaker.get_material_size()), but not necessary, you can provide material sizes by you self.

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class TexSizeFinder:
        Base class for figuring out a texture size of material.
        You must extend this class with required and necessary methods for your case.
        Finds all Images used by `ShaderNodeTree` of a given `Material`.
        User can override what is counted for size (`should_count_image` and `should_count_node`)
        or how it's counted (`mat_size`).
        This is intended to be used in conjunction with `kawa_scripts.atlas_baker.BaseAtlasBaker`
        (in overridden `kawa_scripts.atlas_baker.BaseAtlasBaker.get_material_size`),
        but not necessary, you can provide material sizes by you self.

        def __init__(self):
        def should_count_image(self, image: 'Image') -> bool:
                User can override this to tell what used Images should be counted for size. By default all Nodes are counted.
                For example, you can ignore `Non-Color` images.
                return True
        def should_count_node(self, node: 'ShaderNodeTexImage') -> bool:
                User can override this to tell what Image Nodes should be counted for size. By default all Nodes are counted.
                return True
        def nodeteximage_size(self, node: 'ShaderNodeTexImage') -> 'Optional[Tuple[float, float]]':
                if node is None or node.image is None:
                        return None
                if not self.should_count_node(node):
                        return None
                # TODO пока что не чётко определяется использование
                # надо сделать поиск нодов, которые привязаны к выходу и искать текстуры среди них
                if not any(output.is_linked for output in node.outputs):
                        return None
                image = node.image
                if not self.should_count_image(image):
                        return None
                return tuple(image.size)
        def iterate_nodes(self, node_tree: 'ShaderNodeTree') -> 'Iterator[ShaderNodeTexImage]':
                node_trees = _deque()  # type: Deque[ShaderNodeTree]
                node_trees_history = set()  # type: Set[ShaderNodeTree]
                while len(node_trees) > 0:
                        node_tree = node_trees.pop()
                        if node_tree is None or node_tree.nodes is None or node_tree in node_trees_history:
                        for node in node_tree.nodes:
                                if isinstance(node, _bpy.types.ShaderNodeTexImage) and node.image is not None:
                                        yield node
                                elif isinstance(node, _bpy.types.ShaderNodeGroup):

        def iterate_sizes(self, node_tree: 'ShaderNodeTree') -> 'Iterator[Tuple[float, float]]':
                for node in self.iterate_nodes(node_tree):
                        size = self.nodeteximage_size(node)
                        if size is not None:
                                yield size
        def avg_mat_size(self, mat: 'Material') -> 'Optional[Tuple[float, float]]':
                """ Returns average found size of all counted images in Shader Note Tree of Material or None. """
                # Расчёт среднего размера текстур используемых материалом
                # Поиск нодов ShaderNodeTexImage, в которые используются выходы и картинка подключена
                sw, sh, count = 0, 0, 0
                for w, h in self.iterate_sizes(mat.node_tree):
                        sw += w
                        sh += h
                        count += 1
                return (float(sw) / count, float(sh) / count) if count > 0 and sw > 0 and sh > 0 else None
        def max_mat_size(self, mat: 'Material') -> 'Optional[Tuple[float, float]]':
                """ Returns maximum found size of all counted images in Shader Note Tree of Material or None. """
                return max((s for s in self.iterate_sizes(mat.node_tree)), key=lambda x: x[0]*x[1], default=None)

        def mat_size(self, mat: 'Material') -> 'Optional[Tuple[float, float]]':
                """ Returns found size of Material or None. By default is `max_mat_size`. User can override this. """
                return self.max_mat_size(mat)  # default


def avg_mat_size(self, mat: Material) ‑> Optional[Tuple[float, float]]

Returns average found size of all counted images in Shader Note Tree of Material or None.

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def avg_mat_size(self, mat: 'Material') -> 'Optional[Tuple[float, float]]':
        """ Returns average found size of all counted images in Shader Note Tree of Material or None. """
        # Расчёт среднего размера текстур используемых материалом
        # Поиск нодов ShaderNodeTexImage, в которые используются выходы и картинка подключена
        sw, sh, count = 0, 0, 0
        for w, h in self.iterate_sizes(mat.node_tree):
                sw += w
                sh += h
                count += 1
        return (float(sw) / count, float(sh) / count) if count > 0 and sw > 0 and sh > 0 else None
def iterate_nodes(self, node_tree: ShaderNodeTree) ‑> Iterator[ShaderNodeTexImage]
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def iterate_nodes(self, node_tree: 'ShaderNodeTree') -> 'Iterator[ShaderNodeTexImage]':
        node_trees = _deque()  # type: Deque[ShaderNodeTree]
        node_trees_history = set()  # type: Set[ShaderNodeTree]
        while len(node_trees) > 0:
                node_tree = node_trees.pop()
                if node_tree is None or node_tree.nodes is None or node_tree in node_trees_history:
                for node in node_tree.nodes:
                        if isinstance(node, _bpy.types.ShaderNodeTexImage) and node.image is not None:
                                yield node
                        elif isinstance(node, _bpy.types.ShaderNodeGroup):
def iterate_sizes(self, node_tree: ShaderNodeTree) ‑> Iterator[Tuple[float, float]]
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def iterate_sizes(self, node_tree: 'ShaderNodeTree') -> 'Iterator[Tuple[float, float]]':
        for node in self.iterate_nodes(node_tree):
                size = self.nodeteximage_size(node)
                if size is not None:
                        yield size
def mat_size(self, mat: Material) ‑> Optional[Tuple[float, float]]

Returns found size of Material or None. By default is max_mat_size. User can override this.

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def mat_size(self, mat: 'Material') -> 'Optional[Tuple[float, float]]':
        """ Returns found size of Material or None. By default is `max_mat_size`. User can override this. """
        return self.max_mat_size(mat)  # default
def max_mat_size(self, mat: Material) ‑> Optional[Tuple[float, float]]

Returns maximum found size of all counted images in Shader Note Tree of Material or None.

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def max_mat_size(self, mat: 'Material') -> 'Optional[Tuple[float, float]]':
        """ Returns maximum found size of all counted images in Shader Note Tree of Material or None. """
        return max((s for s in self.iterate_sizes(mat.node_tree)), key=lambda x: x[0]*x[1], default=None)
def nodeteximage_size(self, node: ShaderNodeTexImage) ‑> Optional[Tuple[float, float]]
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def nodeteximage_size(self, node: 'ShaderNodeTexImage') -> 'Optional[Tuple[float, float]]':
        if node is None or node.image is None:
                return None
        if not self.should_count_node(node):
                return None
        # TODO пока что не чётко определяется использование
        # надо сделать поиск нодов, которые привязаны к выходу и искать текстуры среди них
        if not any(output.is_linked for output in node.outputs):
                return None
        image = node.image
        if not self.should_count_image(image):
                return None
        return tuple(image.size)
def should_count_image(self, image: Image) ‑> bool

User can override this to tell what used Images should be counted for size. By default all Nodes are counted. For example, you can ignore Non-Color images.

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def should_count_image(self, image: 'Image') -> bool:
        User can override this to tell what used Images should be counted for size. By default all Nodes are counted.
        For example, you can ignore `Non-Color` images.
        return True
def should_count_node(self, node: ShaderNodeTexImage) ‑> bool

User can override this to tell what Image Nodes should be counted for size. By default all Nodes are counted.

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def should_count_node(self, node: 'ShaderNodeTexImage') -> bool:
        User can override this to tell what Image Nodes should be counted for size. By default all Nodes are counted.
        return True