Module kawa_scripts.instantiator
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# Kawashirov's Scripts (c) 2021 by Sergey V. Kawashirov
# Kawashirov's Scripts is licensed under a
# Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
# You should have received a copy of the license along with this
# work. If not, see <>.
from collections import deque as _deque
import bpy as _bpy
from . import commons as _commons
from . import modifiers as _modifiers
from .reporter import LambdaReporter as _LambdaReporter
from ._internals import log as _log
import typing as _typing
if _typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
from typing import *
from bpy.types import *
Collection = _bpy.types.Collection
class BaseInstantiator:
ORIGINAL_NAME = '__KawaInstantiator_OriginalName'
# Создаёт рабочию копию оригинальных объектов (для запекания):
# - Копирует объекты и их меши
# - Превращает инстансы коллекций в объекты
# - Заменяет OBJECT текстуры на DATA
# - Применяет все модификаторы
# -
# - TODO переименования
# Как использовать:
# - Задать сцены: .original_scene и .working_scene
# - Положить оригиналы в .originals
# - Запустить .run()
# - Копии будут лежать в copy2original и original2copy
# - Все новые объекты сохранятся в .copies
# Не стоит запускать run() повторно или изменять что-либо после run()
def __init__(self):
self.original_scene = None # type: Scene
self.working_scene = None # type: Scene
self.instantiate_collections = True
self.instantiate_material_slots = True
self.apply_modifiers = True
self.apply_scales = False
self.report_time = 5
self.originals = set() # type: Set[Object]
self.copies = set() # type: Set[Object]
self._original_names = set() # type: Set[Object]
def rename_copy(self, obj: 'Object', original_name: 'str', ) -> 'str':
return NotImplemented
def rename_object_from_collection(self,
parent_obj: 'Object', parent_obj_orig_name: 'str',
inst_obj: 'Object', inst_obj_orig_name: 'str',
collection: 'Collection'
) -> 'str':
return NotImplemented
def _check_originals(self):
wrong_scene = set()
for original in self.originals:
if self.original_scene not in original.users_scene:
if len(wrong_scene) > 0:
wrong_scene_str = ', '.join(repr( for x in wrong_scene)
msg = '{0} of {1} original objects does not belong to original_scene={2}: {3}'.format(
len(wrong_scene), len(self.originals), repr(, wrong_scene_str)
raise RuntimeError(msg, wrong_scene)
def _register_original_names(self):
original_names_q = _deque()
while len(original_names_q) > 0:
obj = original_names_q.pop() # type: Object
if obj.instance_type == 'COLLECTION' and obj.instance_collection is not None:
for obj in self._original_names:
obj[self.ORIGINAL_NAME] =
def _put_originals_on_working(self):
for original in self.originals:
if not in self.working_scene.collection.objects:
def _duplicate(self):
_commons.ensure_op_finished(_bpy.ops.object.duplicate(linked=False), name='bpy.ops.object.duplicate')
self.copies.update(_bpy.context.selected_objects)'Basic copies created: {0}'.format(len(self.copies)))
def _unlink_originals_from_working(self):
for original in self.originals:
if in self.working_scene.collection.objects:
def _rename_copies(self):'Renaming copies...')
for copy in self.copies:
original_name = copy.get(self.ORIGINAL_NAME)
if original_name is not None:
new_name = None
new_name = self.rename_copy(copy, original_name)
except Exception as exc:
raise RuntimeError('rename', copy, original_name, new_name) from exc
if isinstance(new_name, str): = new_name
def _instantiate_collections(self):'Instantiating collections...')
created, obj_i, inst_i = 0, 0, 0
reporter = _LambdaReporter(self.report_time)
reporter.func = lambda r, t:
"Instantiating collections: Objects={0}/{1}, Instantiated={2}, Created={3}, Time={4:.1f} sec...".format(
obj_i, len(self.copies), inst_i, created, t))
queue = _deque()
while len(queue) > 0:
obj = queue.pop() # type: Object
obj_i += 1
if obj.type != 'EMPTY' or obj.instance_type != 'COLLECTION' or obj.instance_collection is None:
inst_i += 1
collection = obj.instance_collection
use_base_parent=True, use_hierarchy=True
), name='bpy.ops.object.duplicates_make_real')
created += len(_bpy.context.selected_objects)
obj_orignal_name = obj.get(self.ORIGINAL_NAME)
for inst_obj in list(_bpy.context.selected_objects):
inst_obj_orignal_name = inst_obj.get(self.ORIGINAL_NAME)
new_name = self.rename_object_from_collection(obj, obj_orignal_name, inst_obj, inst_obj_orignal_name, collection)
if isinstance(new_name, str): = new_name
elif isinstance(inst_obj_orignal_name, str): = + '-' + inst_obj_orignal_name
def _convert_curves_to_meshes(self):'Converting curves to meshes...')
curves = list(obj for obj in self.copies if isinstance(, _bpy.types.Curve))
if len(curves) < 1:
_commons.ensure_op_finished(_bpy.ops.object.convert(target='MESH'), name='bpy.ops.object.convert')
_commons.ensure_deselect_all_objects()'Converted {0} curves to meshes.'.format(len(curves)))
def _make_single_user(self):'Making data blocks single-users...')
_commons.select_set_all(self.copies, True)
before = len(set( for obj in self.copies if is not None))
object=False, obdata=True, material=False, animation=False,
), name='bpy.ops.object.make_single_user')
after = len(set( for obj in self.copies if is not None))
_commons.ensure_deselect_all_objects()'make_single_user, data blocks: {0} +{1} -> {2}'.format(before, (after - before), after))
def _instantiate_material_slots(self):
obj_i, slot_i = 0, 0
reporter = _LambdaReporter(self.report_time)
reporter.func = lambda r, t:
"Instantiating material slots: Objects={0}/{1}, Slots={2}, Time={3:.1f} sec, ETA={4:.1f} sec...".format(
obj_i, len(self.copies), slot_i, t, r.get_eta(1.0 * obj_i / len(self.copies))))'Instantiating material slots...')
for copy in self.copies:
if not isinstance(, _bpy.types.Mesh):
for slot in copy.material_slots:
if slot.material is None or == 'DATA':
continue # Пропуск пустых или DATA материалов
mat = slot.material
#"Object='%s': Switching Material='%s' from OBJECT to DATA...", copy, mat) = 'DATA'
slot.material = mat
slot_i += 1
obj_i += 1
def _apply_modifiers(self):
obj_n, obj_i, mod_i = len(self.copies), 0, 0
reporter = _LambdaReporter(self.report_time)
reporter.func = lambda r, t:
"Applying modifiers: Objects={0}/{1}, Modifiers={2}, Time={3:.1f} sec, ETA={4:.1f} sec...".format(
obj_i, obj_n, mod_i, t, r.get_eta(1.0 * obj_i / obj_n)))'Applying modifiers...')
for copy in self.copies:
mod_i += _modifiers.apply_all_modifiers(copy)
obj_i += 1
def _clean_original_names(self):
for original in self._original_names:
if self.ORIGINAL_NAME in original:
del original[self.ORIGINAL_NAME]
def run(self) -> 'None':
if self.original_scene is None:
raise RuntimeError("original_scene is not set")
if self.working_scene is None:
raise RuntimeError("working_scene is not set")
self._check_originals()'Instantiating {0} objects from scene {1} to {2}... '.format(
len(self.originals), repr(, repr(
_bpy.context.window.scene = self.working_scene
if self.instantiate_collections:
if self.instantiate_material_slots:
if self.apply_modifiers:
if self.apply_scales:'Applying scales...')
_commons.select_set_all(self.copies, True)
_bpy.ops.object.transform_apply(location=False, rotation=False, scale=self.apply_scales, properties=False)
_commons.select_set_all(self.copies, False)'Applied scales.')
invalids = list(obj for obj in self.copies if not in self.working_scene.collection.objects)
if len(invalids) > 0:"Discarding {0} invalid objects...".format(len(invalids)))
for invalid in invalids:
self._clean_original_names()"Instantiation done: {0} original -> {1} copies.".format(len(self.originals), len(self.copies)))
class BaseInstantiator
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class BaseInstantiator: ORIGINAL_NAME = '__KawaInstantiator_OriginalName' # Создаёт рабочию копию оригинальных объектов (для запекания): # - Копирует объекты и их меши # - Превращает инстансы коллекций в объекты # - Заменяет OBJECT текстуры на DATA # - Применяет все модификаторы # - # - TODO переименования # # Как использовать: # - Задать сцены: .original_scene и .working_scene # - Положить оригиналы в .originals # - Запустить .run() # - Копии будут лежать в copy2original и original2copy # - Все новые объекты сохранятся в .copies # Не стоит запускать run() повторно или изменять что-либо после run() def __init__(self): self.original_scene = None # type: Scene self.working_scene = None # type: Scene self.instantiate_collections = True self.instantiate_material_slots = True self.apply_modifiers = True self.apply_scales = False self.report_time = 5 self.originals = set() # type: Set[Object] self.copies = set() # type: Set[Object] self._original_names = set() # type: Set[Object] def rename_copy(self, obj: 'Object', original_name: 'str', ) -> 'str': return NotImplemented def rename_object_from_collection(self, parent_obj: 'Object', parent_obj_orig_name: 'str', inst_obj: 'Object', inst_obj_orig_name: 'str', collection: 'Collection' ) -> 'str': return NotImplemented def _check_originals(self): wrong_scene = set() for original in self.originals: if self.original_scene not in original.users_scene: wrong_scene.add(original) if len(wrong_scene) > 0: wrong_scene_str = ', '.join(repr( for x in wrong_scene) msg = '{0} of {1} original objects does not belong to original_scene={2}: {3}'.format( len(wrong_scene), len(self.originals), repr(, wrong_scene_str) _log.error(msg) raise RuntimeError(msg, wrong_scene) def _register_original_names(self): original_names_q = _deque() original_names_q.extend(self.originals) self._original_names.clear() while len(original_names_q) > 0: obj = original_names_q.pop() # type: Object self._original_names.add(obj) if obj.instance_type == 'COLLECTION' and obj.instance_collection is not None: original_names_q.extend(obj.instance_collection.objects) for obj in self._original_names: obj[self.ORIGINAL_NAME] = def _put_originals_on_working(self): _commons.ensure_deselect_all_objects() for original in self.originals: if not in self.working_scene.collection.objects: _commons.activate_object(original) def _duplicate(self): _commons.ensure_op_finished(_bpy.ops.object.duplicate(linked=False), name='bpy.ops.object.duplicate') self.copies.update(_bpy.context.selected_objects)'Basic copies created: {0}'.format(len(self.copies))) _commons.ensure_deselect_all_objects() def _unlink_originals_from_working(self): for original in self.originals: if in self.working_scene.collection.objects: self.working_scene.collection.objects.unlink(original) def _rename_copies(self):'Renaming copies...') for copy in self.copies: original_name = copy.get(self.ORIGINAL_NAME) if original_name is not None: new_name = None try: new_name = self.rename_copy(copy, original_name) except Exception as exc: # TODO raise RuntimeError('rename', copy, original_name, new_name) from exc if isinstance(new_name, str): = new_name def _instantiate_collections(self):'Instantiating collections...') created, obj_i, inst_i = 0, 0, 0 reporter = _LambdaReporter(self.report_time) reporter.func = lambda r, t: "Instantiating collections: Objects={0}/{1}, Instantiated={2}, Created={3}, Time={4:.1f} sec...".format( obj_i, len(self.copies), inst_i, created, t)) queue = _deque() queue.extend(self.copies) while len(queue) > 0: obj = queue.pop() # type: Object obj_i += 1 if obj.type != 'EMPTY' or obj.instance_type != 'COLLECTION' or obj.instance_collection is None: continue inst_i += 1 _commons.ensure_deselect_all_objects() _commons.activate_object(obj) collection = obj.instance_collection _commons.ensure_op_finished(_bpy.ops.object.duplicates_make_real( use_base_parent=True, use_hierarchy=True ), name='bpy.ops.object.duplicates_make_real') self.copies.update(_bpy.context.selected_objects) queue.extend(_bpy.context.selected_objects) created += len(_bpy.context.selected_objects) obj_orignal_name = obj.get(self.ORIGINAL_NAME) for inst_obj in list(_bpy.context.selected_objects): inst_obj_orignal_name = inst_obj.get(self.ORIGINAL_NAME) new_name = self.rename_object_from_collection(obj, obj_orignal_name, inst_obj, inst_obj_orignal_name, collection) if isinstance(new_name, str): = new_name elif isinstance(inst_obj_orignal_name, str): = + '-' + inst_obj_orignal_name reporter.ask_report(False) _commons.ensure_deselect_all_objects() reporter.ask_report(True) def _convert_curves_to_meshes(self):'Converting curves to meshes...') curves = list(obj for obj in self.copies if isinstance(, _bpy.types.Curve)) if len(curves) < 1: return _commons.ensure_deselect_all_objects() _commons.activate_objects(curves) self.copies.difference_update(curves) _commons.ensure_op_finished(_bpy.ops.object.convert(target='MESH'), name='bpy.ops.object.convert') self.copies.update(_bpy.context.selected_objects) _commons.ensure_deselect_all_objects()'Converted {0} curves to meshes.'.format(len(curves))) def _make_single_user(self):'Making data blocks single-users...') _commons.ensure_deselect_all_objects() _commons.select_set_all(self.copies, True) before = len(set( for obj in self.copies if is not None)) _commons.ensure_op_finished(_bpy.ops.object.make_single_user( object=False, obdata=True, material=False, animation=False, ), name='bpy.ops.object.make_single_user') after = len(set( for obj in self.copies if is not None)) self.copies.update(_bpy.context.selected_objects) _commons.ensure_deselect_all_objects()'make_single_user, data blocks: {0} +{1} -> {2}'.format(before, (after - before), after)) def _instantiate_material_slots(self): obj_i, slot_i = 0, 0 reporter = _LambdaReporter(self.report_time) reporter.func = lambda r, t: "Instantiating material slots: Objects={0}/{1}, Slots={2}, Time={3:.1f} sec, ETA={4:.1f} sec...".format( obj_i, len(self.copies), slot_i, t, r.get_eta(1.0 * obj_i / len(self.copies))))'Instantiating material slots...') for copy in self.copies: if not isinstance(, _bpy.types.Mesh): continue for slot in copy.material_slots: if slot.material is None or == 'DATA': continue # Пропуск пустых или DATA материалов mat = slot.material #"Object='%s': Switching Material='%s' from OBJECT to DATA...", copy, mat) = 'DATA' slot.material = mat slot_i += 1 obj_i += 1 reporter.ask_report(False) reporter.ask_report(True) def _apply_modifiers(self): obj_n, obj_i, mod_i = len(self.copies), 0, 0 reporter = _LambdaReporter(self.report_time) reporter.func = lambda r, t: "Applying modifiers: Objects={0}/{1}, Modifiers={2}, Time={3:.1f} sec, ETA={4:.1f} sec...".format( obj_i, obj_n, mod_i, t, r.get_eta(1.0 * obj_i / obj_n)))'Applying modifiers...') for copy in self.copies: mod_i += _modifiers.apply_all_modifiers(copy) obj_i += 1 reporter.ask_report(False) reporter.ask_report(True) def _clean_original_names(self): for original in self._original_names: if self.ORIGINAL_NAME in original: del original[self.ORIGINAL_NAME] def run(self) -> 'None': if self.original_scene is None: raise RuntimeError("original_scene is not set") if self.working_scene is None: raise RuntimeError("working_scene is not set") self._check_originals()'Instantiating {0} objects from scene {1} to {2}... '.format( len(self.originals), repr(, repr( self._register_original_names() _bpy.context.window.scene = self.working_scene self._put_originals_on_working() self._duplicate() self._unlink_originals_from_working() self._rename_copies() if self.instantiate_collections: self._instantiate_collections() self._make_single_user() self._convert_curves_to_meshes() if self.instantiate_material_slots: self._instantiate_material_slots() if self.apply_modifiers: self._apply_modifiers() if self.apply_scales:'Applying scales...') _commons.select_set_all(self.copies, True) _bpy.ops.object.transform_apply(location=False, rotation=False, scale=self.apply_scales, properties=False) _commons.select_set_all(self.copies, False)'Applied scales.') invalids = list(obj for obj in self.copies if not in self.working_scene.collection.objects) if len(invalids) > 0:"Discarding {0} invalid objects...".format(len(invalids))) for invalid in invalids: self.copies.discard(invalid) self._clean_original_names()"Instantiation done: {0} original -> {1} copies.".format(len(self.originals), len(self.copies)))
Class variables
def rename_copy(self, obj: Object, original_name: str) ‑> str
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def rename_copy(self, obj: 'Object', original_name: 'str', ) -> 'str': return NotImplemented
def rename_object_from_collection(self, parent_obj: Object, parent_obj_orig_name: str, inst_obj: Object, inst_obj_orig_name: str, collection: Collection) ‑> str
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def rename_object_from_collection(self, parent_obj: 'Object', parent_obj_orig_name: 'str', inst_obj: 'Object', inst_obj_orig_name: 'str', collection: 'Collection' ) -> 'str': return NotImplemented
def run(self) ‑> None
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def run(self) -> 'None': if self.original_scene is None: raise RuntimeError("original_scene is not set") if self.working_scene is None: raise RuntimeError("working_scene is not set") self._check_originals()'Instantiating {0} objects from scene {1} to {2}... '.format( len(self.originals), repr(, repr( self._register_original_names() _bpy.context.window.scene = self.working_scene self._put_originals_on_working() self._duplicate() self._unlink_originals_from_working() self._rename_copies() if self.instantiate_collections: self._instantiate_collections() self._make_single_user() self._convert_curves_to_meshes() if self.instantiate_material_slots: self._instantiate_material_slots() if self.apply_modifiers: self._apply_modifiers() if self.apply_scales:'Applying scales...') _commons.select_set_all(self.copies, True) _bpy.ops.object.transform_apply(location=False, rotation=False, scale=self.apply_scales, properties=False) _commons.select_set_all(self.copies, False)'Applied scales.') invalids = list(obj for obj in self.copies if not in self.working_scene.collection.objects) if len(invalids) > 0:"Discarding {0} invalid objects...".format(len(invalids))) for invalid in invalids: self.copies.discard(invalid) self._clean_original_names()"Instantiation done: {0} original -> {1} copies.".format(len(self.originals), len(self.copies)))