Module kawa_scripts.commons

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# Kawashirov's Scripts (c) 2021 by Sergey V. Kawashirov
# Kawashirov's Scripts is licensed under a
# Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
# You should have received a copy of the license along with this
# work.  If not, see <>.
from collections import deque as _deque
from time import perf_counter as _perf_counter
import contextlib as _contextlib

import bpy as _bpy
from bpy import context as _C
from mathutils import Vector as _Vector
from mathutils import Quaternion as _Quaternion
from mathutils import Matrix as _Matrix
from mathutils.geometry import area_tri as _area_tri

from ._internals import log as _log

import typing as _typing

if _typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
        from typing import *
        from bpy.types import *

class ConfigurationError(RuntimeError):
        # Ошибка конфигурации

class MaterialConfigurationError(ConfigurationError):
        def __init__(self, mat, msg: str):
                self.material = mat
                msg = 'Material={0}: {1}'.format(mat, msg)

def poly2_area2(ps: 'Sequence[Vector]'):
        # Площадь полигона, примерно, без учёта вогнутостей
        length = len(ps)
        if length < 3:
                return 0
        elif length == 3:
                # Частый случай, оптимизация для треугольника
                return _area_tri(ps[0], ps[1], ps[2])
        elif length == 4:
                # Частый случай, оптимизация для квада
                return _area_tri(ps[0], ps[1], ps[2]) + _area_tri(ps[0], ps[2], ps[3])
                # Для пентагона и выше - Формула Гаусса
                s = ps[length - 1].x * ps[0].y - ps[0].x * ps[length - 1].y
                for i in range(length - 1):
                        s += ps[i].x * ps[i + 1].y
                        s -= ps[i + 1].x * ps[i].y
                return 0.5 * abs(s)

def is_none_or_bool(value: 'Optional[bool]') -> 'bool':
        return value is None or isinstance(value, bool)

def is_positive_int(pint: 'int') -> 'bool':
        return isinstance(pint, int) and pint > 0

def is_positive_float(pfloat: 'float') -> 'bool':
        return (isinstance(pfloat, int) or isinstance(pfloat, float)) and pfloat > 0

def is_none_or_positive_float(pfloat: 'float') -> 'bool':
        return pfloat is None or ((isinstance(pfloat, int) or isinstance(pfloat, float)) and pfloat > 0)

def is_positive_or_zero_float(pfloat: 'float') -> 'bool':
        return (isinstance(pfloat, int) or isinstance(pfloat, float)) and pfloat >= 0

def is_none_or_positive_or_zero_float(pfloat: 'float') -> 'bool':
        return pfloat is None or ((isinstance(pfloat, int) or isinstance(pfloat, float)) and pfloat >= 0)

def is_valid_size_int(size: 'Tuple[int, int]') -> 'bool':
        return isinstance(size, tuple) and len(size) == 2 and is_positive_int(size[0]) and is_positive_int(size[1])

def is_valid_size_float(size: 'Tuple[float, float]') -> 'bool':
        return isinstance(size, tuple) and len(size) == 2 and is_positive_float(size[0]) and is_positive_float(size[1])

def is_valid_string(string: 'str') -> 'bool':
        return isinstance(string, str) and len(string) > 0

def is_none_or_valid_string(string: 'str') -> 'bool':
        return string is None or (isinstance(string, str) and len(string) > 0)

def identity_transform(obj: 'Object'):
        obj.location = _Vector.Fill(3, 0.0)
        obj.rotation_mode = 'QUATERNION'
        obj.rotation_quaternion = _Quaternion()
        obj.scale = _Vector.Fill(3, 1.0)

def copy_transform(from_obj: 'Object', to_obj: 'Object'):
        to_obj.location = from_obj.location
        to_obj.rotation_mode = from_obj.rotation_mode
        to_obj.rotation_axis_angle = from_obj.rotation_axis_angle
        to_obj.rotation_euler = from_obj.rotation_euler
        to_obj.rotation_quaternion = from_obj.rotation_quaternion
        to_obj.scale = from_obj.scale

def move_children_to_grandparent(obj: 'Object'):
        for child in obj.children:
                set_parent_keep_world(child, obj.parent)

def set_parent_keep_world(child: 'Object', parent: 'Object'):
        m = child.matrix_world.copy()
        child.parent = parent
        child.parent_type = 'OBJECT'
        child.matrix_parent_inverse = _Matrix.Identity(4)
        child.matrix_world = m

def apply_parent_inverse_matrix(obj: 'Object'):
        identity = _Matrix.Identity(4)
        if obj.parent_type != 'OBJECT' or obj.matrix_parent_inverse == identity:
                return False
        mw = obj.matrix_world.copy()
        obj.matrix_parent_inverse = identity
        obj.parent_type = 'OBJECT'
        obj.matrix_world = mw
        return True

class KawaApplyParentInverseMatrices(_bpy.types.Operator):
        bl_idname = "object.kawa_apply_parent_inverse_matrices"
        bl_label = "Apply Parent Inverse Transform Matricies"
        bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
        def poll(cls, context: 'Context'):
                if len(context.selected_objects) < 1:
                        return False  # Должны быть выбраны какие-то объекты
                if context.mode != 'OBJECT':
                        return False  # Требуется режим OBJECT
                return True
        def execute(self, context: 'Context'):
                applied = list(obj for obj in context.selected_objects if apply_parent_inverse_matrix(obj))
                applied_strs = "".join("\n-\t{0}".format(repr(obj)) for obj in applied)
      {'INFO'}, "Applied {0} parent inverse matrices:{1}".format(len(applied), applied_strs))
                return {'FINISHED'} if len(applied) > 0 else {'CANCELLED'}

def ensure_op_result(result: 'Iterable[str]', allowed_results: 'Iterable[str]', **kwargs):
        if set(result) >= set(allowed_results):
                raise RuntimeError('Operator has invalid result:', result, allowed_results, list(_C.selected_objects), kwargs)

def ensure_op_finished(result, **kwargs):
        if 'FINISHED' not in result:
                raise RuntimeError('Operator is not FINISHED: ', result, list(_C.selected_objects), kwargs)

def ensure_op_finished_or_cancelled(result, **kwargs):
        if 'FINISHED' not in result and 'CANCELLED' not in result:
                raise RuntimeError('Operator is not FINISHED: ', result, list(_C.selected_objects), kwargs)

def select_set_all(objects: 'Iterable[Object]', state: bool):
        for obj in objects:
                except Exception as exc:
                        raise exc

def activate_object(obj: 'Object'):
        obj.select_set(True) = obj

def activate_objects(objs: 'Iterable[Object]'):
        for obj in objs:

def ensure_deselect_all_objects():
        # ensure_op_finished(bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='DESELECT'), name="bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='DESELECT')")
        # Это быстрее, чем оператор, и позволяет отжать скрытые объекты
        # _C.selected_objects выдаёт AttributeError: '_RestrictContext' object has no attribute 'selected_objects'
        while len(_C.view_layer.objects.selected) > 0:

class _TemporaryViewLayer(_contextlib.ContextDecorator):
        # Does not work
        def __init__(self, name=None):
       = None if name is None else str(name)
                self.scene = None  # type: Scene
                self.temp_view_layer = None  # type: ViewLayer
                self.original_view_layer = None  # type: ViewLayer
        def __enter__(self):
                self.scene = _C.scene
                self.original_view_layer = _C.view_layer
                name = '__Temporary'
                        name += '-' +
                self.temp_view_layer =
                # _C.window.view_layer = self.temp_view_layer
                _C.view_layer = self.temp_view_layer
                return self
        def __exit__(self, *exc):
                        # _C.window.scene = self.scene
                        # _C.window.view_layer = self.original_view_layer
                        _C.scene = self.scene
                        _C.view_layer = self.original_view_layer
                except ReferenceError:
                        pass  # this is fine

class SaveSelection(_contextlib.ContextDecorator):
        # TODO
        def __init__(self, name=None):
                self.last_active_object = None  # type: Object
                self.shown = None  # type: List[Object]
                self.selected = None  # type: List[Object]
        def __enter__(self):
                self.last_active_object =
                self.selected = list(_C.view_layer.objects.selected)
                return self
        # def hide_set(self, obj: 'Object', state: 'bool'):
        #       if self.hide_state is None:
        #               self.hide_state = dict()
        #       if obj not in self.hide_state.keys():
        #               self.hide_state[obj] = obj.hide_get()
        #       obj.hide_set(state)
        # def select_set(self, obj: 'Object', state: 'bool'):
        #       if self.select_state is None:
        #               self.select_state = dict()
        #       if obj not in self.select_state.keys():
        #               self.select_state[obj] = obj.select_get()
        #       obj.select_set(state)
        # def activate_object(self, obj: 'Object'):
        #       self.hide_set(obj, False)
        #       self.select_set(obj, True)
        #       _C.view_layer.objects.selected = obj
        # def activate_objects(self, objs: 'Iterable[Object]'):
        #       for obj in objs:
        #               self.activate_object(obj)
        def __exit__(self, *exc):
                for obj in _C.view_layer.objects:
                        obj.select_set(obj in self.selected)
                # if self.hide_state is not None:
                #       for obj, state in self.hide_state.items():
                #               try:
                #                       obj.hide_set(state)
                #               except ReferenceError:
                #                       pass  # object invalid, this is fine
                # if self.select_state is not None:
                #       for obj, state in self.select_state.items():
                #               try:
                #                       obj.select_set(state)
                #               except ReferenceError:
                #                       pass  # object invalid, this is fine
               = self.last_active_object
                except ReferenceError:
                        pass  # object invalid, this is fine

def any_not_none(*args):
        # Первый не-None, или None
        for v in args:
                if v is not None:
                        return v
        return None

def get_mesh_safe(obj: 'Object') -> 'Mesh':
        mesh =
        if not isinstance(mesh, _bpy.types.Mesh):
                raise ValueError(" is not Mesh!", obj, mesh)
        return mesh

def remove_all_geometry(obj: 'Object'):
        import bmesh
        # Очистка геометрии
        bm =
                mesh = get_mesh_safe(obj)
                # Дегенеративные уебки, почему в Mesh нет API для удаления геометрии?
                bm.clear()  # TODO optimize?

def remove_all_vertex_colors(obj: 'Object'):
        mesh = get_mesh_safe(obj)
        while len(mesh.vertex_colors) > 0:

def remove_all_material_slots(obj: 'Object', slots=0):
        while len(obj.material_slots) > slots:
       = obj
                ensure_op_finished(_bpy.ops.object.material_slot_remove(), name='bpy.ops.object.material_slot_remove')

def find_objects_with_material(material: 'Material', where: 'Iterable[Object]' = None) -> 'Set[Object]':
        objects = set()
        if where is None:
                where = _C.scene.objects
        for obj in where:
                if not isinstance(, _bpy.types.Mesh):
                for slot in obj.material_slots:
                        if slot.material == material:
        return objects

def is_parent(parent_object: 'Object', child_object: 'Object') -> 'bool':
        obj = child_object
        while obj is not None:
                if parent_object == obj:
                        return True
                obj = obj.parent
        return False

def find_all_child_objects(parent_object: 'Object', where: 'Optional[Container[Object]]' = None) -> 'Set[Object]':
        child_objects = set()
        deque = _deque()  # type: Deque[Object]
        while len(deque) > 0:
                child_obj = deque.pop()
                if where is not None and child_obj not in where:
        return child_objects

def merge_same_material_slots(obj: 'Object'):
        # Объединяет слоты с одинаковыми материалами:
        # Сначала объединяет индексы, затем удаляет освободившиеся слоты.
        # Игнорирует пустые слоты
        if len(obj.material_slots) < 2:
        mesh = get_mesh_safe(obj)
        # Все материалы используемые на объекте
        mats = set()
        run_op = False
        for slot in obj.material_slots:
                if slot is None or slot.material is None:
        for proc_mat in mats:
                indices = list()
                for slot in range(len(obj.material_slots)):
                        if obj.material_slots[slot].material is proc_mat:
                if len(indices) < 2:
                run_op = True
                main_idx = indices[0]
                for idx in indices[1:]:
                        for poly in mesh.polygons:
                                if poly.material_index == idx:
                                        poly.material_index = main_idx
        if run_op:
                        _bpy.ops.object.material_slot_remove_unused(), name='bpy.ops.object.material_slot_remove_unused'

_K = _typing.TypeVar('_K')
_V = _typing.TypeVar('_V')

def dict_get_or_add(_dict: 'Dict[_K,_V]', _key: 'Optional[_K]', _creator: 'Callable[[],_V]') -> '_V':
        value = _dict.get(_key)
        if value is None:
                value = _creator()
                _dict[_key] = value
        return value

classes = (


def activate_object(obj: Object)
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def activate_object(obj: 'Object'):
        obj.select_set(True) = obj
def activate_objects(objs: Iterable[Object])
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def activate_objects(objs: 'Iterable[Object]'):
        for obj in objs:
def any_not_none(*args)
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def any_not_none(*args):
        # Первый не-None, или None
        for v in args:
                if v is not None:
                        return v
        return None
def apply_parent_inverse_matrix(obj: Object)
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def apply_parent_inverse_matrix(obj: 'Object'):
        identity = _Matrix.Identity(4)
        if obj.parent_type != 'OBJECT' or obj.matrix_parent_inverse == identity:
                return False
        mw = obj.matrix_world.copy()
        obj.matrix_parent_inverse = identity
        obj.parent_type = 'OBJECT'
        obj.matrix_world = mw
        return True
def copy_transform(from_obj: Object, to_obj: Object)
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def copy_transform(from_obj: 'Object', to_obj: 'Object'):
        to_obj.location = from_obj.location
        to_obj.rotation_mode = from_obj.rotation_mode
        to_obj.rotation_axis_angle = from_obj.rotation_axis_angle
        to_obj.rotation_euler = from_obj.rotation_euler
        to_obj.rotation_quaternion = from_obj.rotation_quaternion
        to_obj.scale = from_obj.scale
def dict_get_or_add(_dict: Dict[_K,_V], _key: Optional[_K], _creator: Callable[[],_V]) ‑> _V
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def dict_get_or_add(_dict: 'Dict[_K,_V]', _key: 'Optional[_K]', _creator: 'Callable[[],_V]') -> '_V':
        value = _dict.get(_key)
        if value is None:
                value = _creator()
                _dict[_key] = value
        return value
def ensure_deselect_all_objects()
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def ensure_deselect_all_objects():
        # ensure_op_finished(bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='DESELECT'), name="bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='DESELECT')")
        # Это быстрее, чем оператор, и позволяет отжать скрытые объекты
        # _C.selected_objects выдаёт AttributeError: '_RestrictContext' object has no attribute 'selected_objects'
        while len(_C.view_layer.objects.selected) > 0:
def ensure_op_finished(result, **kwargs)
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def ensure_op_finished(result, **kwargs):
        if 'FINISHED' not in result:
                raise RuntimeError('Operator is not FINISHED: ', result, list(_C.selected_objects), kwargs)
def ensure_op_finished_or_cancelled(result, **kwargs)
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def ensure_op_finished_or_cancelled(result, **kwargs):
        if 'FINISHED' not in result and 'CANCELLED' not in result:
                raise RuntimeError('Operator is not FINISHED: ', result, list(_C.selected_objects), kwargs)
def ensure_op_result(result: Iterable[str], allowed_results: Iterable[str], **kwargs)
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def ensure_op_result(result: 'Iterable[str]', allowed_results: 'Iterable[str]', **kwargs):
        if set(result) >= set(allowed_results):
                raise RuntimeError('Operator has invalid result:', result, allowed_results, list(_C.selected_objects), kwargs)
def find_all_child_objects(parent_object: Object, where: Optional[Container[Object]] = None) ‑> Set[Object]
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def find_all_child_objects(parent_object: 'Object', where: 'Optional[Container[Object]]' = None) -> 'Set[Object]':
        child_objects = set()
        deque = _deque()  # type: Deque[Object]
        while len(deque) > 0:
                child_obj = deque.pop()
                if where is not None and child_obj not in where:
        return child_objects
def find_objects_with_material(material: Material, where: Iterable[Object] = None) ‑> Set[Object]
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def find_objects_with_material(material: 'Material', where: 'Iterable[Object]' = None) -> 'Set[Object]':
        objects = set()
        if where is None:
                where = _C.scene.objects
        for obj in where:
                if not isinstance(, _bpy.types.Mesh):
                for slot in obj.material_slots:
                        if slot.material == material:
        return objects
def get_mesh_safe(obj: Object) ‑> Mesh
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def get_mesh_safe(obj: 'Object') -> 'Mesh':
        mesh =
        if not isinstance(mesh, _bpy.types.Mesh):
                raise ValueError(" is not Mesh!", obj, mesh)
        return mesh
def identity_transform(obj: Object)
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def identity_transform(obj: 'Object'):
        obj.location = _Vector.Fill(3, 0.0)
        obj.rotation_mode = 'QUATERNION'
        obj.rotation_quaternion = _Quaternion()
        obj.scale = _Vector.Fill(3, 1.0)
def is_none_or_bool(value: Optional[bool]) ‑> bool
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def is_none_or_bool(value: 'Optional[bool]') -> 'bool':
        return value is None or isinstance(value, bool)
def is_none_or_positive_float(pfloat: float) ‑> bool
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def is_none_or_positive_float(pfloat: 'float') -> 'bool':
        return pfloat is None or ((isinstance(pfloat, int) or isinstance(pfloat, float)) and pfloat > 0)
def is_none_or_positive_or_zero_float(pfloat: float) ‑> bool
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def is_none_or_positive_or_zero_float(pfloat: 'float') -> 'bool':
        return pfloat is None or ((isinstance(pfloat, int) or isinstance(pfloat, float)) and pfloat >= 0)
def is_none_or_valid_string(string: str) ‑> bool
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def is_none_or_valid_string(string: 'str') -> 'bool':
        return string is None or (isinstance(string, str) and len(string) > 0)
def is_parent(parent_object: Object, child_object: Object) ‑> bool
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def is_parent(parent_object: 'Object', child_object: 'Object') -> 'bool':
        obj = child_object
        while obj is not None:
                if parent_object == obj:
                        return True
                obj = obj.parent
        return False
def is_positive_float(pfloat: float) ‑> bool
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def is_positive_float(pfloat: 'float') -> 'bool':
        return (isinstance(pfloat, int) or isinstance(pfloat, float)) and pfloat > 0
def is_positive_int(pint: int) ‑> bool
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def is_positive_int(pint: 'int') -> 'bool':
        return isinstance(pint, int) and pint > 0
def is_positive_or_zero_float(pfloat: float) ‑> bool
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def is_positive_or_zero_float(pfloat: 'float') -> 'bool':
        return (isinstance(pfloat, int) or isinstance(pfloat, float)) and pfloat >= 0
def is_valid_size_float(size: Tuple[float, float]) ‑> bool
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def is_valid_size_float(size: 'Tuple[float, float]') -> 'bool':
        return isinstance(size, tuple) and len(size) == 2 and is_positive_float(size[0]) and is_positive_float(size[1])
def is_valid_size_int(size: Tuple[int, int]) ‑> bool
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def is_valid_size_int(size: 'Tuple[int, int]') -> 'bool':
        return isinstance(size, tuple) and len(size) == 2 and is_positive_int(size[0]) and is_positive_int(size[1])
def is_valid_string(string: str) ‑> bool
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def is_valid_string(string: 'str') -> 'bool':
        return isinstance(string, str) and len(string) > 0
def merge_same_material_slots(obj: Object)
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def merge_same_material_slots(obj: 'Object'):
        # Объединяет слоты с одинаковыми материалами:
        # Сначала объединяет индексы, затем удаляет освободившиеся слоты.
        # Игнорирует пустые слоты
        if len(obj.material_slots) < 2:
        mesh = get_mesh_safe(obj)
        # Все материалы используемые на объекте
        mats = set()
        run_op = False
        for slot in obj.material_slots:
                if slot is None or slot.material is None:
        for proc_mat in mats:
                indices = list()
                for slot in range(len(obj.material_slots)):
                        if obj.material_slots[slot].material is proc_mat:
                if len(indices) < 2:
                run_op = True
                main_idx = indices[0]
                for idx in indices[1:]:
                        for poly in mesh.polygons:
                                if poly.material_index == idx:
                                        poly.material_index = main_idx
        if run_op:
                        _bpy.ops.object.material_slot_remove_unused(), name='bpy.ops.object.material_slot_remove_unused'
def move_children_to_grandparent(obj: Object)
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def move_children_to_grandparent(obj: 'Object'):
        for child in obj.children:
                set_parent_keep_world(child, obj.parent)
def poly2_area2(ps: Sequence[Vector])
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def poly2_area2(ps: 'Sequence[Vector]'):
        # Площадь полигона, примерно, без учёта вогнутостей
        length = len(ps)
        if length < 3:
                return 0
        elif length == 3:
                # Частый случай, оптимизация для треугольника
                return _area_tri(ps[0], ps[1], ps[2])
        elif length == 4:
                # Частый случай, оптимизация для квада
                return _area_tri(ps[0], ps[1], ps[2]) + _area_tri(ps[0], ps[2], ps[3])
                # Для пентагона и выше - Формула Гаусса
                s = ps[length - 1].x * ps[0].y - ps[0].x * ps[length - 1].y
                for i in range(length - 1):
                        s += ps[i].x * ps[i + 1].y
                        s -= ps[i + 1].x * ps[i].y
                return 0.5 * abs(s)
def remove_all_geometry(obj: Object)
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def remove_all_geometry(obj: 'Object'):
        import bmesh
        # Очистка геометрии
        bm =
                mesh = get_mesh_safe(obj)
                # Дегенеративные уебки, почему в Mesh нет API для удаления геометрии?
                bm.clear()  # TODO optimize?
def remove_all_material_slots(obj: Object, slots=0)
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def remove_all_material_slots(obj: 'Object', slots=0):
        while len(obj.material_slots) > slots:
       = obj
                ensure_op_finished(_bpy.ops.object.material_slot_remove(), name='bpy.ops.object.material_slot_remove')
def remove_all_vertex_colors(obj: Object)
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def remove_all_vertex_colors(obj: 'Object'):
        mesh = get_mesh_safe(obj)
        while len(mesh.vertex_colors) > 0:
def select_set_all(objects: Iterable[Object], state: bool)
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def select_set_all(objects: 'Iterable[Object]', state: bool):
        for obj in objects:
                except Exception as exc:
                        raise exc
def set_parent_keep_world(child: Object, parent: Object)
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def set_parent_keep_world(child: 'Object', parent: 'Object'):
        m = child.matrix_world.copy()
        child.parent = parent
        child.parent_type = 'OBJECT'
        child.matrix_parent_inverse = _Matrix.Identity(4)
        child.matrix_world = m


class ConfigurationError (*args, **kwargs)

Unspecified run-time error.

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class ConfigurationError(RuntimeError):
        # Ошибка конфигурации


  • builtins.RuntimeError
  • builtins.Exception
  • builtins.BaseException


class KawaApplyParentInverseMatrices

Storage of an operator being executed, or registered after execution

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class KawaApplyParentInverseMatrices(_bpy.types.Operator):
        bl_idname = "object.kawa_apply_parent_inverse_matrices"
        bl_label = "Apply Parent Inverse Transform Matricies"
        bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
        def poll(cls, context: 'Context'):
                if len(context.selected_objects) < 1:
                        return False  # Должны быть выбраны какие-то объекты
                if context.mode != 'OBJECT':
                        return False  # Требуется режим OBJECT
                return True
        def execute(self, context: 'Context'):
                applied = list(obj for obj in context.selected_objects if apply_parent_inverse_matrix(obj))
                applied_strs = "".join("\n-\t{0}".format(repr(obj)) for obj in applied)
      {'INFO'}, "Applied {0} parent inverse matrices:{1}".format(len(applied), applied_strs))
                return {'FINISHED'} if len(applied) > 0 else {'CANCELLED'}


  • bpy.types.Operator
  • bpy.types.bpy_struct

Class variables

var bl_description : str
var bl_idname : str
var bl_label : str
var bl_options : Union[Set[str], Set[int]]
var bl_property : str
var bl_translation_context : str
var bl_undo_group : str
var has_reports : bool
var layout : bpy.types.UILayout
var macros : Union[Dict[str, bpy.types.Macro], List[bpy.types.Macro], bpy.types.bpy_prop_collection]
var name : str
var options : bpy.types.OperatorOptions
var properties : bpy.types.OperatorProperties

Static methods

def poll(context: Context)

Test if the operator can be called or not

:param context: :type context: 'Context'

Expand source code
def poll(cls, context: 'Context'):
        if len(context.selected_objects) < 1:
                return False  # Должны быть выбраны какие-то объекты
        if context.mode != 'OBJECT':
                return False  # Требуется режим OBJECT
        return True


def execute(self, context: Context)

Execute the operator

:param context: :type context: 'Context' :rtype: typing.Union[typing.Set[str], typing.Set[int]] :return: result * RUNNING_MODAL Running Modal, Keep the operator running with blender. * CANCELLED Cancelled, The operator exited without doing anything, so no undo entry should be pushed. * FINISHED Finished, The operator exited after completing its action. * PASS_THROUGH Pass Through, Do nothing and pass the event on. * INTERFACE Interface, Handled but not executed (popup menus).

Expand source code
def execute(self, context: 'Context'):
        applied = list(obj for obj in context.selected_objects if apply_parent_inverse_matrix(obj))
        applied_strs = "".join("\n-\t{0}".format(repr(obj)) for obj in applied){'INFO'}, "Applied {0} parent inverse matrices:{1}".format(len(applied), applied_strs))
        return {'FINISHED'} if len(applied) > 0 else {'CANCELLED'}
class MaterialConfigurationError (mat, msg: str)

Unspecified run-time error.

Expand source code
class MaterialConfigurationError(ConfigurationError):
        def __init__(self, mat, msg: str):
                self.material = mat
                msg = 'Material={0}: {1}'.format(mat, msg)


class SaveSelection (name=None)

A base class or mixin that enables context managers to work as decorators.

Expand source code
class SaveSelection(_contextlib.ContextDecorator):
        # TODO
        def __init__(self, name=None):
                self.last_active_object = None  # type: Object
                self.shown = None  # type: List[Object]
                self.selected = None  # type: List[Object]
        def __enter__(self):
                self.last_active_object =
                self.selected = list(_C.view_layer.objects.selected)
                return self
        # def hide_set(self, obj: 'Object', state: 'bool'):
        #       if self.hide_state is None:
        #               self.hide_state = dict()
        #       if obj not in self.hide_state.keys():
        #               self.hide_state[obj] = obj.hide_get()
        #       obj.hide_set(state)
        # def select_set(self, obj: 'Object', state: 'bool'):
        #       if self.select_state is None:
        #               self.select_state = dict()
        #       if obj not in self.select_state.keys():
        #               self.select_state[obj] = obj.select_get()
        #       obj.select_set(state)
        # def activate_object(self, obj: 'Object'):
        #       self.hide_set(obj, False)
        #       self.select_set(obj, True)
        #       _C.view_layer.objects.selected = obj
        # def activate_objects(self, objs: 'Iterable[Object]'):
        #       for obj in objs:
        #               self.activate_object(obj)
        def __exit__(self, *exc):
                for obj in _C.view_layer.objects:
                        obj.select_set(obj in self.selected)
                # if self.hide_state is not None:
                #       for obj, state in self.hide_state.items():
                #               try:
                #                       obj.hide_set(state)
                #               except ReferenceError:
                #                       pass  # object invalid, this is fine
                # if self.select_state is not None:
                #       for obj, state in self.select_state.items():
                #               try:
                #                       obj.select_set(state)
                #               except ReferenceError:
                #                       pass  # object invalid, this is fine
               = self.last_active_object
                except ReferenceError:
                        pass  # object invalid, this is fine


  • contextlib.ContextDecorator